Elderberry Fruit
Species: Sambucus nigra L
European Elderberry
Cultivated conventional Elderberry
Certified Organic Elderberry (Available by pre-harvest reservation)
Source: Austria and neighbouring Hungry and is the preferred region and variety for food supplements and food colouring

Elderberry Fruit Ingredients
Applications: Functional foods, beverage, syrups, supplements, and vitamin gummies
IQF Elderberry Fruit
Elderberry Fruit Juice Concentrate 65 Brix°
Elderberry Fruit Juice Concentrate 65 Brix° Organic
Elderberry Fruit Juice (NFC)
Elderberry Puree, single strength
Whole Fruit Powders (no carrier):
Vacuum dried whole fruit, granular powder
Freeze dried whole fruit, fine powder
Freeze dried (no seeds), fine powder
Extract Powders:
4:1 spray dried powder
7% anthocyanins
14% anthocyanins
Other: standardised to customised extract ratio or anthocyanin specification
Elder Flower
Species: Sambucus nigra L
European Elderberry
The delicate flower of the cultivated Haschberg variety
Source: Austria and Hungary
Austria and neighbouring Hungry is the preferred region and variety of elderflower ingredients for natural flavouring